
Next meeting: 
Saturday, 25 January 2025
Alkantrant Library, Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria 
Please join us! Please email if you have any questions.

There are usually two slots (but we are trying something new on 25 January 2025 - see above): one for our poetry lovers and a session for those more geared towards short stories, plays, articles, non-fiction and anything else classified as prose.

Poetry meeting: 09:45 - 11:30 
Aspiring poets are challenged to write a poem on a selected topic which is read and discussed at the monthly workshop. They also share other original works of their own choice of topic, or published pieces they admire 

Prose meeting: 11:45 - 13:30 
This session for the prose lovers, where members share opinions and constructive criticism of each other’s work, discussing ideas, style and technique. Members who are inspired can write a piece (no longer than 1000 words), either with the monthly theme in mind or purely self-inspired, and submit their hard copies for feedback the following month.

General conduct during meetings

• As per our Constitution, the objective of the Circle is to assist experienced, as well as new writers in developing their writing skills on various levels and platforms. Due to the diverse nature of our group in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, language, religious beliefs and intellectual and writing prowess, we remind all members and visitors to be respectful towards each other when giving feedback on people’s work or ideas.

• Criticism and debate are part and parcel of any writer’s journey, and we all need input from other writers and readers in order to hone our craft. However, please refrain from making negative or narrow-minded comments during feedback sessions and discussions.

• Though the Circle does not primarily cater for young children, we will from time to time have minors visiting. We urge you to be mindful of the language you use and the references you make on these occasions. If the piece you are about to share contains foul language, or deals with sex or graphic violence, please mention this to the group before you share. We do not wish to be prudish, but we do need to be prudent.

• Should you at any time feel offended or hurt by the comments or opinions of another, do not hesitate to bring your concerns in writing to the attention of the Pretoria Writers' Circle committee at